Master Instructor & Education Center Overview
Peak Pilates® is a global player in the Pilates education industry, offering a combination of the highest quality Pilates equipment and classical Pilates training. The success of our education programs begins with our Peak Pilates® Master Instructor (MI) team which spans the globe of over 100 MIs representing 21 countries. Our MI team represents a variety of disciplines and training backgrounds and their success as educators comes from their ability to teach students through the wisdom and skill they have amassed through their years of experience and study. We work hard to develop each MI to their highest potential by providing them with the best of professional development through camps and one to one mentoring. This allows each MI to progress not just on our MI Pathway but to reach their own personal career goals. Our systematic leveling system takes the guesswork out of progression, ensuring that each MI has an opportunity for their individuality and uniqueness to shine through.
With the continued success and growth of the program, we are expanding our network and are currently accepting applications for Master Instructors and Education Centers in most locations within the United States and globally (with the exception of Massachusetts, Montana, Texas, Spain, Japan and South Korea). To qualify to become an MI, you must own or work at a facility that is willing to offer Peak Pilates® educational programs. Read on to discover more about this exciting opportunity, and learn about the benefits and commitment.
If you have the education, skills, experience and passion to elevate your Pilates career to the highest level, please submit your Comprehensive Master Instructor application to

What Is A Peak Pilates® Master Instructor?
Master instructors are exceptional Pilates professionals with years of experience and the ability and passion to train new instructors. MIs either own studios that are education centers, or work at facilities where they lead trainings. All Peak Pilates® Master Instructors are dedicated to representing Peak Pilates® education with the upmost integrity and commitment. They are independent contractors who receive a fee for services when conducting trainings.
What Is A Peak Pilates® Education Center?
A Peak Pilates® Education Center is a facility where Peak Pilates® teacher trainings are offered to the public. Our Education Centers are an integral part of the Peak Pilates® education program and have a full studio of Peak Pilates® equipment. Our education partners represent the quality and dedication that Peak Pilates® stands for in both education and equipment quality. In order to become an MI you must own your own studio or work in a facility that will host our education programs and workshops. Education centers schedule and hold trainings throughout the year, and help to market and promote the trainings to prospective students. They share a commitment with Peak Pilates® to develop excellent Pilates instructors, and they also share in the rewards, receiving a generous portion of the training revenue.
Education Center Commitment
Once a studio is established as a Peak Pilates® Education Center, it is required to schedule a minimum number of comprehensive trainings, mat trainings and continuing education workshops per year. In most cases, this is two mat trainings, two Level I trainings, one Level II, one Level III, and 4-6 continuing education workshops.
Education Centers and Master Instructors enjoy the recognition of representing the esteemed Peak Pilates® education program and playing an integral role in furthering the development of the professional Pilates community. They also enrich their careers and businesses with new income streams.
Additional Benefits Include:
- Exclusive discounts on Peak Pilates® equipment and apparel
- Highlighted listings on the Peak Pilates® web site
- Access to marketing collateral and photo images
- Opportunity to apply for the conference presenter team
- Opportunities to review and critique new products in development
- Additional income opportunities through writing, blogging and peer reviews

The Master Instructor Pathway
Becoming a Peak Pilates® Master Instructor is the pinnacle in a Pilates’ instructor career. Candidates will be required to, study, prepare and practice to meet the pathway requirements.
The candidates and Peak Pilates® Senior Mentors work together in partnership to ensure each candidate’s success while maintaining the quality and consistency of the Peak Pilates® program.
STEP 1: Master Instructor Application
Only instructors who meet the basic eligibility requirements may apply. (See Comprehensive MI application for details.)
The application process is two parts: a written application and a video portion.
Those instructors with applications that demonstrate the strongest qualifications will be interviewed.
STEP 2: Level I Peak Pilates® Bridge Program
Candidates who are not Peak Pilates® Comprehensive must complete the Bridge program prior to applying.
The Bridge course will be heavily discounted.
STEP 3: Level I Online MI Skills Program
All accepted candidates are required to complete an online MI Skills program that will cover all
aspects of teaching, presenting, and coaching the Peak Pilates® courses.
STEP 4: Master Instructor Camp
Master Instructor Camp (MI Camp for short) is an action-packed four days where candidates gather from all over the globe to hone their MI skills.
After camp, each candidate will receive individualized instructions for their next step toward leading a course.
The fee to attend camp is approximately $1,895.00, which includes all materials, lunch and snacks.
Candidates are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
STEP 5: Co-Teaching and Mentoring
The pathway for each person typically includes co-teaching Level I training with Peak Pilates® Mentor and/or solo teaching Basic Mat.
Auditing is rare but does occasionally happen prior to the co-teach.
Progression to subsequent levels requires a co-teach before solo assignment.
For more information, please contact